landfill art project — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


landfill art project

Hubcap Art for the Landfill Reclamation Project...

New WorkAnne Leuck4 Comments

Picture 51

Picture 53

Picture 55Picture 54I painted this hubcap on Tuesday for the Landfill Reclamation was tricky, with very little flat surface. "Landfillart is an international effortencompassing one-thousand-forty-one (1,041) artists to claim a piece ofrusted metal garbage and create fine art. The 1,041 pieces of rusted metal are actually old automobile hub caps from the 1930’s through the 1970’s." So what kind of car did this come from? We guessed Rolls Royce because of the 'R' but could be completely off base...if you know, please post a comment. Every time I look at the finished piece I see a chip and dip bowl...maybe a good start for a tabletop line?!